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LLATL Blue Book Kit 3Ed - 1st Grade Skills

Learning Language Arts Through Literature is a complete language arts program for this grade level.  Using an integrated approach to learning, students learn the skills appropriate for each grade level in the context of real literature. 

This program includes all the language skills: reading, spelling, grammar, higher order thinking skills, and creative writing in an easy-to-use format that require little or NO preparation! The course is written for a 36-week school year. Games, word-wheels, flipbooks, and more hands-on projects and activities that are effective for ALL types of learners.

 This 3rd Edition Blue Book Box Kit is a first grade reading program that includes:

There are several read-alouds that are used with the program that you may already have or can be found at your local library.  To see a list of books, view the Blue Book Complete Package (LA096), which has this Blue Box Kit along with 13 read-alouds.  

AuthorDebbie Strayer and Susan Simpson
Product CodeLA057
PublisherCommon Sense Press
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Order: LA057