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Ladd Family Set 1 - Books 1-5

Twelve-year-old Josh Ladd longs to see his best friend who moved to Hawaii. On the way home from his California school a stranger approaches Josh to ask suspicious questions. This small incident turns into major danger when Josh and his family fly to Hawaii and the mysterious stranger follows them. The friends are thrust into all kinds of high adventure and danger throughout the 15-book series.

These Christian-base novels are ideal for young boys, ages 8-12 and also reluctant readers.

This sleeved-set contains the first five books in the series:

  1. Secret of the Shark Pit
  2. The Legend of Fire
  3. Mystery of the Island Jungle
  4. The Dangerous Canoe Race
  5. Secret of the Sunken Sub


AuthorLee Roddy
Product CodeLBS1091
PublisherMott Media
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