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The Power in Your Hands Student Text

Please note: This is the student text only.  It is a self-guided course, but if you would like the corresponding teacher's guide to give you answers to daily lessons as well as help with grading this course, purchase the set

With The Power in Your Hands: Writing Nonfiction in High School, 2nd Edition, your teens learn writing in a relaxed atmosphere with some humor thrown in. They’ll conquer what they need to know for high school and will be prepared for college and professional writing. No prerequisites needed.

First, they’ll learn to write persuasively, learning persuasive strategies they will have to identify and write about in the new SAT essay. Later, they’ll navigate a comparison-and-contrast essay, a biography, a literary analysis, a research paper with MLA documentation, and much, much more. In addition, students will master description and narration essays.

With over 100 daily lessons and complete instructions for 21 essays and reports, this is an engaging course students will enjoy–or at least not dread. The material is presented in incremental steps with a conversational tone. Please note there is some Christian content.

Product CodeWR390
Length415 pages
PublisherWriting Courses with Sharon Watson
FormatSoftcover, Black and White
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