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Imagination Station #18 - Trouble on the Orphan Train

When they step into the Imagination Station, kids experience an unforgettable journey filled with action-packed adventure to inspire their imaginations. With each book, they’re whisked away with cousins Patrick and Beth to embark on a new journey around the world and back in time.

In Book #18: Trouble on the Orphan Train, cousins Beth and Patrick are whisked back in time, this time arriving on an orphan train heading west. They befriend an orphan who is falsely accused of being part of a train robbery. No one will adopt the child, and Beth and Patrick are determined to stay with their new friend until the end of the line. All the while, they search for Eugene, who is still missing somewhere in time.

AuthorMarianne Hering
Product CodeLB1757
Length144 pages
FormatSoftcover, Black and White
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