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100 Best Loved Poems

Here are some of the most loved poems in the English language, chosen not merely for their popularity, but for their literary quality as well. Dating from the Middle Ages to the 20th century, these splendid poems remain evergreen in their capacity to engage our minds and refresh our spirits. Among them are works by: Marlowe, Shakespeare, Donne, Marvell, Wordsworth, Shelley, Longfellow, Poe, Tennyson, Whitman, Dickinson, Yeats, Frost and Thomas. Works by many other poets - Milton, Blake, Burns, Coleridge, Byron, Keats, Emerson, the Brownings, Hardy, Housman, Kipling, Sandburg, Pound and Auden among them - are included in this treasury, a perfect companion for the quiet moments of reflection.

If you would like to study this book further, you can use Introduction to Poetry: Forms and Elements Study Guide also available in CD-ROM format.

Product CodeLB110
FormatSoft Cover, Black and White
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