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In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson

Shirley Temple Wong is thrilled to be moving from her home in China to America. But it isn't easy. She doesn't speak English, the kids at school ignore her, and she feels very far from home. But then summer comes, bringing the miracle of baseball. Suddenly Shirley is playing stickball and following superstar Jackie Robinson as he leads the Brooklyn Dodgers to victory after victory. Jackie Robinson proves that in America, the grandson of a slave can make a difference. And for Shirley as well, on the ball field and off, America becomes the land of opportunity.

If you would like to study this book further, you can use In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson Study Guide published by Progeny Press, also available in CD-ROM format.

AuthorBette Bao Lord
Product CodeLB074
Length176 pages
PublisherHarper Collins
FormatSoftcover, Black & White
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