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Gulliver's Travels (Abridged)

Through the eyes of Lemuel Gulliver, Swift’s unforgettable satire takes readers into worlds formerly unimagined. Visit four strange and remarkable lands: Lilliput, where Gulliver seems a giant among a race of tiny people; Brobdingnag, the opposite, where the natives are giants and Gulliver puny; the ruined yet magical country of Laputa; and the home of the Houyhnhnms, gentle horses far superior to the ugly humanoid Yahoos who share their universe.

The voyages of an Englishman carry him to such strange places as Lilliput, where people are six inches tall; Brobdingnag, a land of giants; an island of sorcerers; and a country ruled by horses.

These are lovely hardcover books that would be great for eager students who are not ready for the larger classic versions or for older students who need some age appropriate reading material with simpler vocabulary.

AuthorJonathan Swift
Product CodeLB1443
Length160 pages
PublisherSterling Children's Books
FormatHardcover, Black and White
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