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PAC - Basic Science Mysteries - Full Course Kit


Designed as a seventh grade science course, these texts cover Earth and life sciences, plus studies on the Periodic Table of the Elements and the solar system. Each scientific concept is enhanced by adventure vignettes in which young people help solve community mysteries by applying the scientific method and positive character traits, such as integrity, honesty, commitment, diligence, and kindness. Students apply virtues, science, and personal responsibility to reduce violence and upgrade community standards. The narrative, high interest approach of this series engages students so they progress through comprehensive scientific material with captivating engagement. Students are exposed to scientific evidence which explores traditional and contemporary theories about the origin of life and the formation of our planet and universe. Texts allow students to evaluate scientific theories rationally. Each text section has companion Activities designed to "walk the student" through the text in chronological order. Selected questions in each Activity also serve as preparation for state academic assessment exams. Activities are applicable in regular classrooms or in individualized learning programs in which students progress through the course with understanding and interest. NOTE: Pluto "correction." AS A READING ENHANCEMENT TEXT Basic Science Mysteries texts and Activities also accommodate high school students who struggled through science courses in another publisher's text or who need help or elective credit in Reading Enhancement. (This is possible because of the manner in which the activity questions are structured.) Students may complete the five chapters of texts and companion activities, section quizzes, and chapter tests of BSM either to learn essential science content or to earn one high school Reading Enhancement transcript credit.

Product CodePAC008
PublisherPAC - Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum
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