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Cleaning House

A self-described "enabling mother" embarks on a one-year experiment of empowering her five kids to master the basic tasks of independence, gaining valuable insights for every parent who wants to rid their home of youth entitlement. Today's well-intentioned parents go to great lengths to make their children's lives easier. But instead of leading to happy kids, such hovering instills dependency and helplessness. When parents arrange for a child's success, the resulting message is, "I'll do it for you because you can't." But as author Kay Wills Wyma discovered, what kids really need to hear is, "I believe in you so I'm going to make you work." For one year she focused on training her children in key life skills, beginning with making their own beds right on through yard work, hospitality, and community service. In this book she shares her experiences along with practical tips and wisdom from other parents and experts.          

AuthorKay Willis Wyma
Product CodeFB160
Length278 pages
PublisherWaterbrook Press
FormatSoftcover, Black and White
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