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Teaching the Right Brain Child DVD & Guide

Is learning harder for your child than it should be? 50% of all children are Right Brain dominant. Teach to their strength!! Learning requires energy according to Dr. Mel Levine, but Right Brain learning takes much less energy to learn.

If you have a child who "learns differently" than the curriculum teaches, you will love this DVD! Help your child feel as smart as he really is, using Right Brain Teaching strategies that put "velcro" on the things he is learning.

This 2-hour DVD contains dynamic right brain learning methods tauaght by Dianne that teach children how to store information in long-term "visual" memory for maximum retention. See results immediately in your child. Your child will learn how to work "SMARTER," not "HARDER." Dr. Peter Russell of The Brain Book says that, "Visual memory is far superior to auditory memory. It is essentially perfect." Why is it perfect? Because it trains a child's Photographic Memory.

AuthorDianne Craft
Product CodeLD084
Length2 hours
PublisherDianne Craft
FormatDVD & Guide
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Order: LD084

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