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Growing in Wisdom Level 5

Growing in Wisdom Study can be done with multi-level ages. Learn what Scripture says about 32 negative character traits and their corresponding positive character qualities! Learn to choose Self Control instead of Anger, Love Instead of Tattling, Kindness instead of Unkindness, Diligence instead of Laziness, Cheerfulness istead of Complaining and many more.

This set includes:

  • Growing in Wisdom study - This 204 page study is based on the popular handout Identifying and Dealing with Offenses by Marilyn Boyer. Your child will learn 32 types of negative behavior and their Biblical consequences. Through insights learned from God`s Word, your child will be guided in making an intentional decision to choose positive, godly character in their day to day life.  God has the answer for turning our negative natural tendencies into choices which  reflect the character of Jesus Christ. 
  • Growing in Wisdom flashcards - 32 flashcards are provided to help children learn the positive quality which is the opposite of the negative trait demonstrated. On the back side of the card is the Scripture verse which addresses the problem with its reference and also an insight to be gleaned from Scripture directed at helping your child to make a wise practical decision. 
  • Growing in Wisdom CD set - Uncle Rick reads Scripture selections studied in the curriculum and comments on them, encouraging your student to learn to make the wise choice in everyday life as they face challenging situations. He teaches lessons in boldness, cheerfulness, diligence, truthfulness, discretion, and other important character qualities to reinforce lessons learned in the workbook.

AuthorMarilyn Boyer
Product CodeBR148
PublisherLearning Parent (The)
FormatBook, Flashcards, CD-set
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