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The One Year Book of Devotions for Kids - Volume 1

Get ready to meet God! With devotions for kids to read alone--or together as a family--The One Year Devotions for Kids gives you what you need for a great time with God!

These stories--some funny, some serious, all inspiring--are taken from Keys for Kids the bimonthly story magazine from Children's Bible Hour Ministries, which has been reaching families by radio for many years.

Each day's reading includes these features to enrich your child's devotional time:

  • A Bible passage that sets up the day's theme
  • A contemporary story that shows the passage being applied to real-life situations
  • A "How About You?" section that asks children how the story and Scripture apply to their own lives
  • A Bible memory verse for each day
  • A "key"--two to five words that keenly summarize the message of the day

In addition to the daily readings, you'll find indexes for Scripture readings, memory verses, and selected topics such appearance, contentment, faith, God's care, kindness, salvation, worry, and many more.

Product CodeBR174
Length365 pages
FormatSoftcover, Black and White
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