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Clipper Ship Strategy: For Success in Your Career, Business, and Investments

Conventional wisdom says that when the government expands the money supply, the money descends on the economy in a uniform blanket. This is incorrect. The money is injected into specific locations causing hot spots or "cones." Mr. Maybury explains a system for tracking and profiting from these cones, for locating genuine money-making opportunities, and for avoiding those which are false or dangerous. Includes step-by-step instructions, and clever illustrations that make the system easy to understand. Explains how to cope with recessions and avoid unemployment.

This book is the second sequel to Whatever Happened to Penny Candy? and should be read after The Money Mystery.

To improve the student's learning experience, also purchase the student study guide for The Clipper Ship Strategy titled A Bluestocking Guide: Applying The Clipper Ship Strategy. Can be used for courses in Economics, Business, Finance, Government and History.

AuthorRichard J. Maybury
Product CodeER035
Length269 pages
PublisherBluestocking Press
GradeHigh School
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