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Words of Wisdom Level 7

There are so many references in Scripture to the use of our words. How important it is for the junior high student to learn how to tame his tongue and use it as an instrument of blessing.

In Words of Wisdom Bible Study, your student will learn how to dig out insights about the crucial topic of the use of our words and their consequences. Words of My Mouth Flashcards used with the study provides key passages for memorization, meditation, and implementation into daily life. The student is encouraged to make personal commitments to applying what he/she is learning. There are 56 verses for memorization.

How to Use: This practical study is designed very simply. It doesn't take long each day to complete a lesson. Each page has one verse and three exercises to complete. First of all, you write the verse word for word using whichever version you desire. Next, record and insight you can learn from this verse. Example:  Pleasant words are sweet to hear (both to the giver and the receiver of the words) and even can help to bring healing to my body. My words are pretty important!  Thirdly, students are instructed how to personalize the verse ,turn it into a prayer, purpose a specific step of action in their life to practically implement it, or think of a person in real life who is a good example of this verse to me.

AuthorMarilyn Boyer
Product CodeBR250
PublisherLearning Parent (The)
Formatbook, flashcards
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