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Suzannah Strikes Gold - Colton Cousins Adventure #3

The Colton's continue on the road west in pursuit of Suzannah's black-sheep brother-in-law, Charles Herrington. Having come through great hardship on the trail, everyone is optimistic that California will hold the promise of a better life. Their excitement escalates when news of the gold strike reaches them. But formidable challenges await them long before they reach their destination. Steep slopes. A blizzard, and ice slow their progress and sister Pauline seems to grow weaker. Once they reach kinder territory, the hard-working Coltons start their own thriving business, but Suzannah catches a serious case of "gold fever". She is determined that she will be the one to get Pauline out from under Charles's dark shadow forever. A Colton Cousins Adventure, Book 3

AuthorElaine Schulte
Product CodeLB1412
PublisherBJU Press
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