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Bonhoeffer: The Cost of Freedom - Radio Theatre

Bonhoeffer: The Cost of Freedom is the true story of an unlikely hero--a theologian and pacifist who finds himself risking everything to battle against the tyranny of Nazi Germany. This award-winning drama captures the tense moral conflict of a man at odds between loyalty to his country and his faith as a Christian. At what cost will Dietrich Bonhoeffer stand against the Third Reich? How is it possible that this avowed pacifist finds himself in the midst of a plot to assassinate Hitler.

As Bonhoeffer is put to the ultimate test when the Nazis seize control of Germany, his courage and convictions endanger his life and teach lasting lessons about what freedom and faith truly mean.

Product CodeAB092
Ages12 up
Length3 hours
PublisherFocus on the Family
FormatAudio CDs
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Order: AB092