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Treasures from Grandma's Attic

Grandma's wonderful memory, like Grandma's attic, holds a storehouse of treasures from the past. Anyone young enough to love a story (and that's just about everyone) will enjoy these glimpses of life on a Michigan farm more than 100 years ago. Come share in Grandma's childhood and meet her best friend, Sarah Jane. Time spent with these girls may be funny or touching, but it's never dull. Whether they're forging the autograph of John Greenleaf Whittier, plotting to help an unsuspecting classmate lose weight, or debating the relative merits of beauty versus goodness, the two friends are growing and learning about life and faith.

AuthorArleta Richardson
Product CodeLB296
Length144 pages
PublisherDavid C. Cook
FormatSoftcover, Black and White
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Order: LB296

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