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Algebra 1 Subject Kit, 4th Ed

Algebra 1 equips students and teachers with tools and strategies for using and developing algebraic models to solve real-world problems within the context of a biblical worldview. Students will write algebraic expressions, describe quantitative relationships, solve real-world problems using linear equations, and understand God’s design as foundational to reasoning, modeling, and ethics in mathematics.

How BJU teaches Algebra 1:

  • Engage:  Lessons begin with exercises that can be completed either independently or with a class partner. These exercises are designed to either review content or proactively assess the content of that day’s lesson. Additionally, an essential question is introduced and discussed to solidify learning targets for that day’s content and highlight the major concepts of each day’s lesson.
  • Instruct: Numerous methods of instruction are offered to help students connect with the class content. The teacher edition enables content delivery using both direct and indirect instruction along with collaborative activities for the classroom.
  • Apply: This course provides multiple activities and applications to connect the course content with real-life scenarios. Each chapter contains multiple sets of exercises that are scaffolded by degree of difficulty. Multiple example problems are listed with step-by-step explanations, and real-world problems and STEM activities enable students to see mathematical principles at work in daily life. Cumulative reviews build procedural and computational fluency in preparation for standardized testing.
  • Assess: Multiple tools through the course serve to give instructors a clear vision of student comprehension and skill level. The student edition contains numerous formative assessments to be used as the class progresses through each chapter’s material. Each chapter has two to four designated quizzes, and four quarterly exams offer cumulative assessment in addition to the twelve chapter tests.

This subject kit includes:

* Unless otherwise noted, kits may not have any partial returns or substitutions.

Product Code549782
PublisherBJU Press
  • Available as :

Order: 549782