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Heritage Studies 6 eTextbook Student (4th Ed)

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Heritage Studies 6 (4th Edition) Student Text provides a colorful, age appropriate informational text about ancient civilizations in Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas. Maps, graphs, charts, photographs, and illustrations enhance learning. The textbook carries the theme of the Creation, the Fall, and the Redemption throughout while additional resources develop students’ familiarity with key figures in ancient civilizations, primary sources, atlases, and more.

This is a digital version of the Heritage Studies 6 Student 4th Ed and is offered through the VitalSource Bookshelf® platform.

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  • Anywhere, anytime access—Access the eTextbook on any device offline through the app or online through a browser.
  • Study features—Highlight and define text, write and share notes, have the text read aloud, and search eTextbook contents and notes. Pagination is identical between print and digital copies.

VitalSource eTextbooks expire 16 months after redemption and are not returnable.

Product Code513879
PublisherBJU Press
FormateText Subscription
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