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LORE - Starlore Legacy #3

The Starlore Legacy Series is a futuristic allegory of the entire Bible set in a far away galaxy.  It is a galactic journey of battle, hope, promise, and victory. Each of the books chronicles a specific period of time as recorded in the Bible.  Spanning three generations of characters, this epic saga weaves a scientific fantastical story that captures the gospel of Jesus Christ in a fresh and wholesome way.

In this book: The Raylean people teeter on the edge of annihilation. Can Daeson lead the quest for their promised homeworld?

Daeson finds himself a prisoner in a tribal world where the law of survival rules. Gone is the hope of the promised homeworld given by the mighty Immortal, Ell Yon. Daeson must fight to restore a future to the Raylean people, but to succeed he must overcome the marauders of cruel worlds, the tragedy of quantum peril, and the arch-enemy of the Sovereign Ell Yon, Lord Dracus. The odds are mounting against him. The relentless loyalty of his friend, Tig, sustains him as he rediscovers the power of the Protector. Can he lead the Rayleans to freedom once more?

AuthorChuck Black
Product CodeLB2002
Ages10 and up
Length258 pages
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Order: LB2002

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