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Math 6 Textbook Kit 4Ed

The 6th grade math curriculum prepares students for future math learning by first solidifying their understanding of elementary math concepts and then introducing them to key middle school math concepts. Students will learn not only how math principles work but also how to think critically about those principles and construct arguments so they can use the principles in real-world situations.

6th Grade Math Goals and Objectives

This middle school math course has been designed to introduce students to middle school math concepts while providing regular, consistent review opportunities. As they progress through the course, students will also be developing a biblical worldview in math with leveled biblical worldview themes and opportunities to apply those themes to real life.

What will students learn in 6th grade math?

Our math curriculum teaches students to

  • Apply multiplication and division to fractions, decimals, and integers
  • Analyze two- and three-dimensional figures to solve real-world problems
  • Solve one-variable equations and inequalities
  • Solve real-world problems, using the relationship between ratios, proportions, and percents
  • Analyze and construct multiple representations of data
  • Make predictions, using probability
  • Formulate a biblical view of modeling, design, knowledge, and service in mathematics

6th Grade Math Curriculum Features

  • 180 lesson days for a full year of learning
  • A logical teaching cycle for parent-led homeschooling
  • Appropriate review and application of elementary math concepts
  • Introduction to middle school math
  • Applications of mathematical modeling, math tools, and abstract and quantitative reasoning
  • Variety of STEM lessons
  • Spiral learning approach for practice and review


Item # Title
525451 Math 6 Teacher Edition (4th ed.)
525444 Math 6 Student Edition (4th ed.)
525469 Math 6 Assessments (4th ed.)
525477 Math 6 Assessments Answer Key (4th ed.)

* Unless otherwise noted, kits may not have any partial returns or substitutions.

Product Code536342
PublisherBJU Press
FormatSubject Kit
  • Available as :

Order: 536342

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