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Bible 6: Basics for a Biblical Worldview Teacher Edition, 1st Ed

*Does not correspond with DVD/Online program.

The teacher edition provides various engaging strategies, such as case studies, webquests, and worldview dilemmas. The teacher is the key to helping students internalize the truths in the student edition. It also encourages collaboration and active student participation in analysis and interpretation of the ideas and truths presented in the student edition. As students engage in discussions and gather necessary biblical tools, they will be better prepared to be witnesses for Christ in the world.

Please note:  Because of changing technology, consistent troubles with accessing CDs, and the fact that many devices are not being created with CD drives, BJU has discontinued the Teacher's Toolkit CDs. Resources that would have been included are being added to the books themselves.

Product Code517938
Length416 pages
PublisherBJU Press
FormatSpiral-Bound, Full Colour
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