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Horizons Math Grade 1 Workbooks Only

Looking for easy-to-follow math workbooks that make learning fun? Alpha Omega Publications has just what you need–the Horizons 1st Grade Math! Thes brightly illustrated, workbooks will capture your homeschooling child's attention with colorful, consumable lessons.

Workbook 1 includes writing and counting numbers by 1's, 5's, and 10's to 100; recognizing even and odd numbers; understanding ordinal numbers, number sequencing, place values, time and calendar concepts; using number lines; counting money; and working word problems.

Workbook 2 covers word numbers, graphs, greater than and less than, money values, estimation, even and odd numbers, and sequencing numbers.

But there's more! Evaluating your homeschool child's progress is easy too with the comprehensive review tests that follow each series of 10 lesson plans. Plus your child will love each lesson's easy-to-remove worksheets that enable him to proudly display his math lessons on the refrigerator or wall. 

These workbooks can also be purchased as part of the Horizons Grade 1 Math Kit, which includes a teacher guide.

Product CodeMR252
PublisherAlpha Omega
Format2 Softcover Workbooks
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Order: MR252