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Education: Does God have an Opinion?

Many studies indicate that Christian youth are leaving the Church, and anti-Christian education has been linked as a major factor in this equation. The Bible is full of instructions on how God desires His children to be educated. IF GOD has a definite opinion about the issue of education, wouldn’t you desire to find out what it is and how best to implement HIS WISDOM?

Since the beginning of the 20th century, the vast majority of Christians have embraced the idea that it is a proper role and function of the civil government to control and guide the education of children. Most Christians believe God doesn’t care, one way or the other, how our children are schooled or what methods are employed. This book will use Scripture to prove otherwise. What you read in this book will radically challenge your assumptions and preconceived ideas.

  • Discover the true purpose of an education and how this affects and influences students
  • Explore a truly Biblical philosophy of education and how it compares to traditional schooling
  • Learn to apply a Biblical worldview strategically and systematically to core subjects of education

AuthorIsrael Wayne
Product CodeHS193
Length240 pages
PublisherNew Leaf Press
FormatSoftcover, Black and White
  • Available as :

Order: HS193

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