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Logic of English Spelling Journal

A student-created reference

The Logic of English Spelling Journal provides students with a place to collect and organize commonly misspelled words. When students encounter words they would like to enter into the journal, they identify which sound within the word has multiple options for spelling. They then turn to the section for that sound and categorize the word based upon the correct phonogram or spelling rule.

This focused activity aids students in mastering commonly misspelled words by providing them with a systematic tool to pinpoint the area of difficulty, recognize the options, and identify the correct spelling.

  • Sound to Spelling Reference
  • Phonogram Table
  • Spelling Rule Table
  • Sections for each of the 33 English sounds that can be spelled more than one way

Product CodeLA011
Length72 pages
PublisherLogic of English
FormatSoftcover, Black and White
  • Available as :

Order: LA011