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PAC - English Grammar Skills - Full Course Kit

English Grammar Skills is designed to equip students with a strong understanding of the eight parts of speech, grammar, and writing skills. The five chapters of text are supplemented with five corresponding activities that guide students chronologically through the lessons. The combined set of texts and activities are good for 1 high school transcript credit and applicable in regular classrooms or guided, individualized learning programs.

Students are introduced to character-building life principles and vignettes of persons who role model positive life styles. Each lesson and the corresponding activity questions are based on the vignette in a clever approach that ties English grammar skills to real-life situations. Every grammar rule or part of speech is illustrated twice with sentences drawn from the vignette. This technique connects students to the study of English in a practical and engaging manner. Students experience the highly effective individualized learning approaches that enhances content mastery.

Each lesson is introduced with a theme art illustration that draws the student emotionally into the text. This course is designed for eighth grade but is an excellent “brush up” or “recovery” course for under-performing high school students or adults who are weak in English grammar skills.

A major feature of all Paradigm English courses is the vignette approach, carefully designed to engage students to aspire towards noble character and life purpose. During the learning process, students enhance vocabulary, build moral character, and gain insight on how to make wise life choices.

Product CodePAC001
PublisherPAC - Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum
FormatSoftcover, Black and White
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