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Science 5 Subject Kit (4th Ed.)

Prepare your child for success in science with the Science 5 curriculum from BJU Press. Science 5 continues building on the foundation of science facts and skills for the further study of science in the upper grades. The colorful curriculum, filled with photographs, charts, diagrams, and illustrations, balances the presentation of facts with active participation in order to promote understanding and instill in your child a love of learning. Topics include the following: minerals, fossils, matter, light, weather, ecosystems, and the human body. All lessons are presented within a biblical worldview to help your child develop knowledge of God. Furthermore, the curriculum encourages the development of critical thinking skills with discussion questions, activities, and more. The included Activities Manual contains pages from Answers in Genesis that tackle the clash between Christian belief and secular science.

The Science 5 Subject Kit includes all the items necessary for the successful teaching of Science 5—6 items total.

This kit includes:

* Unless otherwise noted, kits may not have any partial returns or substitutions.

lab kit is available to purchase to assist you and your student with the experiments in the activity manual.

Product Code511899
PublisherBJU Press
FormatSubject Kit
  • Available as :

Order: 511899

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