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Explore His Earth - A Child's Geography Vol 1, REVISED

This updated, all-in-one course for Volume 1, Explore His Earth, will take you and your fledgling geographers on amazing adventures through our Father’s world. Discover the atmosphere, the lithosphere, plate tectonics, weather, significant scientific discoveries, the world’s ocean, the hydrosphere, maps, longitude, latitude, and more – in ways that you will never forget! With built-in worksheets and fun activities, the course encourages students to take an active journey to learn about and appreciate the world God has created!

Course components include:

  • A fascinating excursion through different water, land, and sky aspects of our Earth
  • Memory Jogger narration prompts sprinkled throughout the chapters
  • “Reaching Out to His World” inspires students to be the hands of Christ
  • Easy concept-centered projects to enjoy and a helpful supply list by chapter and activity
  • Contains glossary, written chapter reviews based on narration prompts, semester exams, geographic maps, time zone maps, and answer keys included
  • A helpful course calendar takes the stress out of scheduling and makes it easy to follow as students learn to understand and apply the chapter’s geographic and scientific knowledge in a meaningful way.

This is a complete, stand-alone science and geography curriculum.


AuthorAnn Voskamp
Product CodeGR107
Length344 pages
PublisherNew Leaf Press
FormatSoftcover, Full Colour
  • Available as :

Order: GR107