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Bible 5 Fullness of Time Textbook Kit (1st Ed)

This course develops students' understanding of the New Testament as the culmination of God's big story of Creation, Fall, and Redemption. Additionally, it teaches students the essentials of Bible study and interpretation through teacher modeling with questions and answers. As they develop an understanding of the main themes that run throughout God’s redemption plan—glory, kingdom, covenants, divine presence, law and wisdom, and atonement and priesthood—they are confronted with their need for Christ.

The textbook kit includes:

515296 - Bible 5: The Fullness of Time Teacher Edition

515288 - Bible 5: The Fullness of Time Student Edition

515304 - Bible 5: The Fullness of Time Assessments

515312 - Bible 5: The Fullness of Time Assessments Answer Key

* Unless otherwise noted, kits may not have any partial returns or substitutions.

Product Code524538
PublisherBJU Press
  • Available as :

Order: 524538