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Bible 4: Pathway of Promise Textbook Kit, 1Ed

Bible 4: The Pathway of Promise develops a biblical worldview in students by showing them how the Old Testament books fit together to tell a single, connected story. As they follow that story, they will see the theme of redemption, which unfolds throughout the Old Testament and continues into the New Testament. Since the Bible is the only inspired and authoritative message from God, the course materials will help students to develop skills in observing, interpreting, defending, and applying Scripture.

Textbook Kit includes:

512327 - Bible 4: The Pathway of Promise Teacher Edition

512319 - Bible 4: The Pathway of Promise Student Worktext

512335 - Bible 4: The Pathway of Promise Tests

512343 - Bible 4: The Pathway of Promise Tests Answer Key

Product Code518225
PublisherBJU Press
  • Available as :

Order: 518225

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