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Writeshop Junior Book F Set

WriteShop Junior is a creative writing program that appeals to many learning styles. As with all WriteShop products, Book F helps you guide children through the steps of the writing process. To keep the experience fun, each lesson includes engaging games and activities that teach and review important writing skills. This is not an independent course: lessons are designed for parent and child to work together.

Junior Book F teaches students to use a variety of sentences starters to make writing more interesting. Figures of speech are introduced to help students develop characters. Students are encouraged to work independently to edit and revise their writing while continuing to improve their proofreading and editing skills.

Placement Help: Always choose the level that best fits your child’s cognitive skills rather than their ability to write. Let them dictate what they cannot write by themselves so you can focus on helping them plan, organize, and develop ideas.

  • Book F is ideal for students in 5th and 6th grade.
  • This level may also be used with reluctant 7th and 8th graders who have had little or no formal writing instruction.
  • Parents also appreciate being able to use the program with struggling learners.
  • If your 5th grader has had little to no past writing experience—or is not quite ready for 5-paragraph writing—we suggest beginning with Book D, especially if they have weak punctuation or grammar skills and still need a lot of help planning, organizing, and adding details to a story.
  • If your 6th grader has had little to no past writing experience, begin with Book E. Book D can work for some 6th graders, as long as they don’t feel like the worksheet illustrations are too “childish.”

Book F Set includes:

The consumable Activity Pack may be reproduced for your immediate family. Student Worksheet pages are printed on white paper and will reproduce clearly. The Fold-N-Go Grammar section, which is printed on colored paper, may not photocopy well. If photocopying is not an option, buy an extra Book F Activity Pack for each additional student.

AuthorNancy I. Sanders
Product CodeWR256
  • Available as :

Order: WR256